How to Stay Fit on Vacation: Best Tips for Women 50+

Hello and welcome to “How to Stay Fit on Vacation: Best Tips for Women 50+”! Vacations are the ultimate time for relaxation, indulgence, and bonding.

We soak up the sunshine, put our feet up, and enjoy a dip in the water.

With a tablet on the side, a refreshing drink in hand, and lots of delicious nibbles, it’s pure bliss.

But when we come home, we often dread stepping on the scales, bracing ourselves for the weight we’ve gained.

We promise to get more active once we’re back, determined to shed those extra pounds.

How to Stay Fit on Vacation: Best Tips for Women 50+

Here’s the good news: You don’t have to give up your holiday treats to stay fit! Yes, it’s true! In this blog, you’ll discover how to enjoy your vacation without the guilt or stress and stay healthy while having fun.


You might be thinking, “Duh, that’s a no-brainer. I know exactly why I gain weight on holiday!” You lay on the beach, indulge in delicious foods, and drink more than usual. It’s the perfect time to relax and enjoy yourself, right? But let’s break it down:

  • You Eat More and Dive into Irresistible Foods
    Local cuisines and all-you-can-eat buffets are hard to resist. After all, you’ve paid for it, so why not indulge?

  • You Exercise Less:
    Vacation means relaxation, which often leads to less physical activity.
  • You Lay on the Beach:
    Sunbathing and lounging reduce calorie burn.

  • You Drink More Alcohol:
    Cocktails and festive drinks are packed with calories.

  • You Eat More Ice Cream:
    Vacation treats like ice cream are hard to resist.

  • You Eat Until Full and Satisfied:
    Holiday feasts can lead to overeating.

  • You Feel Guilty When Eating All That Food:
    Guilt can overshadow the joy of your holiday.
Man and woman holding hands on the beach
  • You Struggle to Say No to Certain Foods:
    It’s tough to resist those delicious local delicacies.

So yes, you might be exercising less on holiday, and here’s an important point to remember: staying fit on vacation means understanding that exercise has only a minimal effect on weight loss. Yes, you read that right!


You might have heard that exercise is the key to losing weight, thanks to the media and fitness ads. But the truth is, that exercise only contributes a small part to weight loss. Let’s set the record straight:

Exercise plays a crucial role in overall health, not just weight loss:

  • Heart Health: Keeps your heart strong.

  • Bone Health: Supports bone density.

  • Increased Metabolism: Boosts calorie burn.

In fact, exercise is just a small part of how your body uses energy each day. Most of the energy you use comes from two main sources:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): This is the energy your body needs for basic things like breathing, keeping your heart beating, and digesting food. It uses the most energy of all!

Daily Activities (NEAT): This includes all the little things you do every day, like walking to the kitchen, standing up, or fidgeting.

So, while exercise helps, the biggest part of your daily calorie burn comes from these basic bodily functions and everyday movements.

Woman in her fifties, on holiday, holding camera

Exercise: More Than Just Weight Loss

So, if you’re promising yourself to hit the gym after your holiday to shed those extra pounds, you might be focusing on the wrong thing.

Exercise plays a minor role in weight loss; its true value is in your overall health and happiness. It makes you feel great, boosts your metabolism, keeps your energy high, and supports your heart and bones.


When we indulge in all those delicious holiday treats, several things might happen to our bodies and minds. You might start to feel guilty and worry about the aftermath of all that food.

This guilt often leads to thoughts like, “I’ll eat healthy again when I get home and work out more.” But let’s break down what’s going on:

Guilt and Worry: More Than Just a Feeling

Indulging in holiday treats often comes with a side of guilt. You might think, “I shouldn’t have eaten that extra slice of pie,” or “I need to work out twice as hard now.”

But did you know that guilt and worry aren’t just emotional states? They affect your body!

Words: guilty - feeling guilty when eating nice things on holiday

When you feel guilty, your body produces more cortisol, a stress hormone. And although ‘feeling guilty’ is only in your mind, your body does not see it that way.

Cortisol signals to your body that it’s under stress. Elevated cortisol levels make your body more efficient at storing energy, which means those extra holiday calories are more likely to turn into fat.

Plus, high cortisol can increase your appetite and cravings for even more high-calorie foods. So, the more you stress about those indulgences, the harder it becomes to resist that extra treat!

To help you stay fit on vacation, you need to keep cortisol levels low – relax and enjoy your time.

Exercise as Punishment: Why It doesn't Work

After the holidays, many of us resolve to hit the gym hard as a way to make up for our indulgences. But when you turn exercise into a punishment for your holiday fun, it stops being enjoyable.

Instead of seeing exercise as a joyful activity, it becomes a chore.

This negative mindset can make it harder to stick with your fitness routine. You might push yourself too hard, get exhausted, and eventually give up on your goals. Exercise should be about feeling good, not just burning off calories.

Food and Calories: Understanding the Basics

Yes, we consume more calories during the holidays - think ice cream, cocktails, and jumbo burgers. And here’s the real deal: calorie intake is the main factor behind any weight gain.

While it's easy to blame the extra food, it’s important to remember that enjoying these treats is a natural part of the holiday experience.

Delicious food choices are only half the fun; balance your indulgences with exciting activities to keep the holiday joyful and healthy.

4 holiday images: icecream, cocktails, eating out and hamburger



Here we are in the main part of this article. Exercise is essential for staying fit, healthy, and feeling good.

However, only a small percentage of your gym sessions or daily workouts contribute to weight loss.

We also understand that feeling guilty about enjoying nice foods can increase cortisol levels, which in turn makes your body more efficient at storing fat and craving sugary foods.

So, what do we need to do, to stay fit on vacation?

Holiday Fun: Fit on Vacation Without a Gym Routine

You don’t have to stick to a rigid gym routine while on holiday. Enjoy fun, calorie-burning, and flexible holiday activities! Apart from lazing on the beach, you can have a fabulous time and stay active with these activities:

Woman on paddleboard - staying active on holiday
  • Discover local markets and hidden gems
  • Enjoy beach games and soak up the sun
  • Dance the night away with local rhythms
  • Explore scenic trails and breathtaking views
  • Bike through charming streets and historic sites
  • Walk to your favourite restaurant and back - skip the taxi!

Stop Feeling Guilty

Just enjoy your food. Point blank. Feeling guilty will only increase your cortisol, and you know what cortisol does!

Practice Mindful Eating

Savour every bite and enjoy your food completely. Remember, it's okay to indulge in holiday treats.

Enjoy your food, and stop eating once you are full. Being overfull is uncomfortable and can leave you feeling bloated and gassy.

Enjoy the Company Around You

Social interactions lower cortisol levels and make you pay attention to the lovely food you’re eating. This is a key aspect of the Mediterranean diet, where meals are enjoyed leisurely with family and friends, enhancing both health and happiness.

Slow Down Your Eating

Take your time to eat, allowing your body to feel full naturally. Chew for longer and enjoy the taste. By eating more slowly, you’re more likely to make healthier food choices.

Put your knife and fork down between bites and engage in conversation.

It takes about 15-30 minutes for your brain to receive the ‘I’m full’ signal from your stomach, which is why eating slowly can help you avoid overeating.

Make Protein Your Vacation Weight-Loss Secret

Eating enough protein is one of the best ways to avoid weight gain on vacation. Protein keeps you full for longer, balances your blood sugar, and helps you avoid overindulging in high-carb or sugary foods.

  • Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast: Choose eggs, Greek yogurt, smoked salmon, or cottage cheese to fuel your morning.
  • Stick to protein-packed meals for lunch and dinner: Add grilled chicken, fish, lean beef, or plant-based options like tofu, beans, or lentils to your plate.

By focusing on protein, you’ll stay satisfied throughout the day and increase your chances of keeping those holiday kilos at bay - all while enjoying yourself!

Increase Your Food Knowledge

To my surprise, beer and wine have similar calorie counts. White wine has slightly fewer calories than red wine, and dry wine contains fewer calories than sweet wine.

Quick Tips for Healthier Choices
10 Food Factors That Make a Difference in Calories When Eating Abroad:

Be knowledgeable about some food choices. The choice is yours; both can be utterly delicious, but one is healthier.

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Deep-Fried Foods

French fries, Fried calamari, Fried chicken

Grilled or steamed vegetables, Fresh fruit, Grilled chicken

Creamy Sauces

Alfredo pasta, Cream-based soups

Tomato-based sauces, Broth-based soups

Cheesy Dishes

Cheese pizza, Lasagna

Veggie pasta, Salad with light dressing

Pastries and Desserts

Croissants, Cheesecake

Fruit sorbet, Gelato (lower fat)

Sugary Drinks

Sodas, Sweetened coffee

Sparkling water, Black coffee

Large Portions

Jumbo burgers, Extra-large pizzas

Small plates, Appetizer-sized servings

Alcoholic Beverages

Margaritas, Sweet cocktails

Light beer, Dry wine. Wine spritzer

Full-fat Dairy

Whole milk, Cream cheese

Skim milk, Low-fat yogurt

Processed Meats

Sausages, Pepperoni

Fresh fish, Grilled chicken

Rich Desserts

Tiramisu, Brownies

Fresh fruit salad, Light yogurt

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Deep-Fried Foods

French fries, Fried calamari, Fried chicken

Grilled or steamed vegetables, Fresh fruit, Grilled chicken

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Creamy Sauces

Alfredo pasta, Cream-based soups

Tomato-based sauces, Broth-based soups

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Cheesy Dishes

Cheese pizza, Lasagna

Veggie pasta, Salad with light dressing

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Pastries and Desserts

Croissants, Cheesecake

Fruit sorbet, Gelato (lower fat)

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Sugary Drinks

Sodas, Sweetened coffee

Sparkling water, Black coffee

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Large Portions

Jumbo burgers, Extra-large pizzas

Small plates, Appetizer-sized servings

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Alcoholic Beverages

Margaritas, Sweet cocktails

Light beer, Dry wine. Wine spritzer

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Full-fat Dairy

Whole milk, Cream cheese

Skim milk, Low-fat yogurt

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Processed Meats

Sausages, Pepperoni

Fresh fish, Grilled chicken

Food Factor

Higher Calorie

Lower Calorie

Rich Desserts

Tiramisu, Brownies

Fresh fruit salad, Light yogurt

Looking for more food tips for your vacation? Here are a few ideas:

On holiday - enjoying food and drink in good company
  • Opt for Grilled Fish Instead of Fried Fish: Grilled fish is lower in calories and fat than fried fish.
  • Choose Sorbet Over Ice Cream: Sorbet is generally lower in calories and fat compared to ice cream.
  • Select Whole-Grain Bread Over White Bread: Whole-grain options are more nutritious and can help you feel full longer.
  • Select Whole-Grain Bread Over White Bread: Whole-grain options are more nutritious and can help you feel full longer.
  • Drink Water Before Meals: Having a glass of water before meals can help you feel full and prevent overeating.
  • Share Your Meal: Splitting large portions with a friend can help manage calorie intake and allow you to enjoy more variety.
  • Order a Salad as a Starter: Eating a salad before your meal can help you feel fuller and reduce overall calorie intake.
  • Ask for Dressings on the Side: This way you control how much you use and avoid extra calories.
  • Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes for richer dishes.



Staying fit on vacation doesn't have to be a chore. With mindful eating, fun activities, and a positive mindset, you can enjoy your holiday to the fullest while maintaining your health.

The very small tweaks will make you enjoy your food so much more, enjoy the company to the fullest and make it a memorable holiday without having to gain weight at all.

Remember, the goal is to have a joyful and guilt-free vacation.

We’d love to hear about the fun activities you tried to stay fit on vacation! Feel free to share your stories through our contact page.

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Birgit is a compassionate guide specialising in supporting senior women through life's transitions. Alongside her dedication to this cause, she finds joy in teaching piano, nurturing her garden, cherishing family moments, and enjoying walks. These activities fuel her creativity and bring depth and richness to her life.

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